Dates of Interest

1848 ― Rectory completed, James Renwick, Jr., Architect
1879 ― Chantry completed, Edward T. Potter, Architect
1880 ― Grace House (Parish House) completed, James Renwick, Jr., Architect
1882/1883 ― Marble spire replaces wood spire
1898 ― Choristers’ Tower completed
1910 ― Huntington Close completed
1996 ― Restoration of stained glass windows
2002 ― Spire restoration

Rectory (Renwick Jr., 1848), left

Grace House (Renwick Jr., 1880), right

Chantry (Renwick Jr., 1879)

Spire (Renwick Jr.; consecrated 1846, restored 2002)



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New York, NY 10003
